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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Comerford

Where are you planted?

I've often heard the phrase, "Bloom where you are planted", but I admit, I have a small issue with the phrase. I don't believe all "soil" is good soil to be allow for "blooming". Think about plants. The environment and surroundings are so important for the growth and ability to thrive.

Some friends and I recently attended a seminar about wild herbs and edibles in Utah. It blew my mind seeing that there is so much growing in the areas we constantly walk through and walk by, completely oblivious to all that is thriving around us in its natural habitat. Within a five-foot span of the local agrarian landscape we literally could find enough wild vegetation to make an entire salad - no joke.

This revelation reminded me of a sermon I recently heard from my pastor, Pastor Rich, (check out Life Church Utah on Facebook and YouTube if you’d like to follow along - shameless, non-sponsored plug). He talked about the passage from Psalm 1:3: “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers” (NIV). This is a testimony that when any herb, shrub, or plant is put into a place that is substantial and beneficial, it can grow, develop, and thrive. On the contrary, if something is planted in the improper location, it will wither and die.

Therefore, I believe that as Christians, we must be planted in the areas of replete in order for us to grow and develop to our fullest potential. When we are being “fed” spiritually - whether it be from engaging in acts of worship, reading and studying scripture, gathering with like-minded believers, doing mission work, etc. - we end up getting nourished in the way(s) we so desperately need. So, instead of “blooming where we are planted”, I feel that we need to make sure we are in the correct soil in order to blossom.

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