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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Comerford

My 12 Rules for Life

Whew! It's been a minute. I do apologize, as since my last blog post a lot has happened that has prohibited me (somewhat by choice) from writing, but I'm proud to say... I'm back, ya'll!

As I read Jordan Peterson's book "12 Rules for Life", it got me contemplating that if I had 12 rules to live by, what would they be? So... without further ado, here's my list:

  1. Have a relationship with Jesus.

  2. Read The Word on a daily basis.

  3. Pray consistently and continuously.

  4. Find your passion and pursue it.

  5. Relate your vocation with your advocation.

  6. Don't let anyone prevent you from fulfilling your purpose.

  7. Realize that not everyone is going to have the same journey as you and be okay with that realization.

  8. Find friends that help you grow.

  9. Break cycles of poor habits/behaviors.

  10. Obtain healthy mentorship.

  11. Make it a priority to pursue a better/healthier choice every day.

  12. Go outside frequently - turn off your phone, find isolation, limit distractions, and just enjoy God's magnificent creation.

I'm curious to know, what's your list? Do you agree with any of mine? Would you add more? Drop a comment below and let me know!

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