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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Comerford

Balancing Wisdom & Trust

Sometimes I find myself in the most precarious circumstances. For example, last weekend I decided to go for a drive and hike up to a waterfall, but almost got my car stuck on a nearly 90-degree vertical angle trail of straight mud and slush. My friend Austin and I have stories galore of adventures we have gone on, never knowing what possible doom lied ahead, but by the way of Yah’s grace somehow ended up making it out alive and in one piece.

The other day I decided to go on a trail I had never been on before because it was a rare occasion of being blessed with 60° weather and sunshine in the middle of February in Salt Lake City. About a mile into the trail, I heard some type of animal cry that I had never heard before, and it occurred to me that I carelessly did not remember to bring along my manmade protection. For a brief moment, I thought that I would be okay simply because of Yah’s protection over me, and I continued on my trek. However, once I made it to a waterfall and was having a moment taking the view in, I felt what seem to be like raindrops dripping on my head. Shortly after, I heard a sound that seemed like glass shattering and realized that some massive icicles had fallen mere inches from me. I took that as my sign to cut my journey short and head back.

Through this experience, I was reminded that though The Lord is with us, He has still given us the ability to obtain wisdom and knowledge. King Solomon is a great example of this and how much he was blessed with simply by obtaining the wisdom he asked Yah for. Though He is by our side, it doesn’t mean that we are to just ignorantly neglect common sense. It’s like saying we can drive recklessly because we are of the mindset that we will not get into an auto accident due to Yah’s covering of protection - which is just dumb, if you ask me. However, I will also state that we should not live in a spirit of fear, but rather of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Finding the balance between the two can be difficult, at least for me, and I have to constantly remember to turn to Him when I am fearful of future circumstances, though also ask for wisdom to have a discerning spirit to know when to get myself out of a dubious situation that might cause harm. Thankfully, the love that He gives us is that of a GOOD Father, molding and teaching us how to simultaneously depend on Him while making decisions for ourselves. I still am in daily disbelief of how much He loves and cares for us.

If you have not been blessed with an earthly father to guide and shape you, know that the Heavenly One can do it better than any human ever could. Lean on Him. Trust in Him. Let Him guide you. I promise it’s soooo worth it.

"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1 John‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬).

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