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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Comerford

What is love?

If you're like me, once you read that title you immediately started singing the song (maybe even doing the little head bop thing from "A Night at the Roxbury" along with it, too)... "What is love? Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more."

Lately I have seemed to be hearing God discerning the difference between love and infatuation as it pertains to romantic relationships. I have tended to say that I have been "in love" multiple times in my life, though each and every time was vastly different. However, when I actually think about the attributes love displays, I am unsure if my feelings have been an actual display of love or if I have just experienced various forms of infatuation. Let me break it down into Scriptural context by stating eight qualities of love found in 1 Corinthians 13 verses 4 and 5:

  1. Love is patient.

  2. Love is kind.

  3. Love does not envy.

  4. Love does not boast/brag.

  5. Love is not arrogant/rude.

  6. Love is not selfish/self-serving.

  7. Love is slow to anger.

  8. Love is not irritable nor resentful.

Now, I'm sure you've seen the suggestion to replace "love" with your name and see if you display those characteristics yourself. If this is a new concept to you, then maybe now is a good time to look inside and see if you can use these descriptions when considering the type of person you are. If these attributes don't describe you, then perhaps it's time for a heart change. On the flip side, I would like to replace "love" with your romantic partner's name. If you are in a relationship that has not yet led to marriage, then this is a great time to examine your significant other and determine the type of person they are and whether they are actually loving you in a Biblical sense. If you're already married, this may give you and your partner guidance on how to improve.

Ask these questions:

  • Is your partner patient and kind with you?

  • Do they envy others or idols (worshipping things other than God)?

  • Are they boastful or braggadocious?

  • Are they arrogant or rude towards you?

  • Do they seem to have selfish tendencies, or do they consider your thoughts, wants, and desires, but seeking God above all else?

  • Are they slow to anger or easily irritated?

Feelings are fickle; love isn't.

1 Corinthians 13:7-8 even states: "[Love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends".

Let's all agree to do a better job at intentionally loving others. Could you imagine the transformation the world would encounter if we loved like we are called to do?

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