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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Comerford

Mindset in the Midst of the Election

Updated: Jun 27, 2022

This morning I strangely woke up to an overwhelming peace. Despite everything going on in the world, I had a mindset that everything is going to be okay because no matter how we exercise our right to vote for who will take the next presidential seat, the outcome is not as much in our hands as we think. We can do our part by filling out our ballot, but ultimately Jesus Christ is king and will have the ultimate say in what's to come.

In my daily devotional, "Jesus Calling", a statement was made about how we can still find joy in the midst of adversity. It also stated that after much training you can accept major losses in a positive way. If everyone could keep this mindset, we would be able to create a beautiful country, no matter the outcome of the presidential election results.

I'd also like to state how I took over a month break off of social media, just getting it back yesterday. Having a "breath of fresh air" so to speak, with relieving myself of being bombarded with social, political, and racial tensions flooding my news feed, it was nice to drown out the negativity for a bit. However, once I got reactivated my accounts, my news feed didn't seem to be flooded with that type of talk anymore. Now I saw the positive posts of newlyweds and newly engaged couples, baby announcements, and kids dressed up in Halloween costumes in an effort to have some sense of normalcy. Perhaps the issue I faced of seeing the negative was more about what I chose to focus on, rather than what reality was. Because when I look at the world now, I see how it is abundantly filled with incredible beauty.

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