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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Comerford

Good vs. Evil

In just about any action-packed film, you'll see there is a clear, distinct battle of good versus evil. Usually the villain is easily identifiable - having red or yellow eyes, sharp teeth, dressing in all black, or other physical characteristics that are depicting of evil attributes. However, sometimes they can look like they're the good guy based on their outward appearance. We see this often happen in the movies that have a conflict throughout the theme and you're continuously attempting to solve the mystery of who the guilty party is, only to be shocked at the reveal of the person you never would've suspected because they were just soooo darn likeable. Yup, never even saw it coming.

A video I viewed recently (likely on TikTok) talked about Peter Pan and how if you think about it, Captain Hook wasn't the evil villain after all. I was super confused and probably muttered aloud something along the lines of, "What?! You've clearly lost your mind..." when I first started the video, but then the person started explaining why they felt this way and I understood where they were coming from. Think about it: Peter is taking children to a remote island where they can never leave and are enticed by the thought of remaining kids forever, not having any adult authority dictating their lives, and having endless freedom. Captain Hook, on the other hand, looks like the villainous character from the outside, but in reality, he's trying to save the kids from the island and his only archnemesis is Peter. Wow. Mind = blown.

When you think about it, the enemy is like that. He's constantly cloaking himself to appear as though he's actually good rather than evil. Forbidden fruit flashbacks, anyone? Now don't for one second think satan is stupid. That true villain is slick. And he will try you by any means possible, causing you to question God's Word and implant doubts within your mind. Example: "Did God really say...?" (Genesis 3:1).

I know there are things you regularly struggle with. There are so many temptations we constantly face, like for me, it's hitting snooze on my alarm instead of getting up and starting the day out productively, spending time scrolling through TikTok videos rather than studying the Bible, downloading dating apps to try to find my future partner instead of waiting *cough* patiently on The Lord, excessively eating unhealthy foods, finding excuses to neglect our workout... the list goes on. And sometimes these are things we face on a daily basis. Trust me, I'm right there with you facing these exact temptations ALL THE TIME.

On my prayer walk this morning, God revealed to me how our entire lives are merely a battle of good versus evil. From the very beginning in the Garden of Eden, it has been constant and consistent warfare, a fight over our souls. And we are still facing it on a daily basis even now, thousands of years after the initial temptation.

Ephesians 6:12 says, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." We are literally fighting darkness. And because Jesus is the light, we must choose to follow Him: the light. Isn't that symbolic? The good news is the enemy has already been defeated (PRAISE GOD!), but we are still called to be warriors in God's army because souls are at risk. God and satan are literally fighting over you right now. So, if you're not serious about this battle, I urge you to get serious. NOW. Put on your armor. Get your anointing oil. Cover your home, friends, family, and church folks in prayer. This isn't something to sleep on or put off. Time is ticking and we don't have much of it. We are but a "Mist that appears for a while and then vanishes", (James 4:14, NIV). Get right with God. Get prepared for battle. We are at war.

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