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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Comerford

Different Views

It doesn't seem like recently you can hop on any social media platform and not see campaign ads and people's personal opinions surrounding the upcoming election. (Fret not - this isn't going to get political, I promise.) It's evident that there are opposing viewpoints, which it has always been this way and likely always will be. But isn't that the beauty of differences at times? Sometimes having opposing viewpoints isn't so bad after all because it allows us to gain insight to another's perspective. I mean, wouldn't it be quite boring if everyone thought the same?

I remember back last year when my parents came to visit me in Utah and my dad noticed an array of houses on the top of a mountain. He made a comment, "Now why would anyone want to live all the way up there?" I chimed in my opinion and stated how it would be a dream to me to be able to have a house on a mountaintop (*hashtag*: goals). He stated that he personally preferred to be in the valley, having the ability to look up and gaze upon the mountains. I, however, thought a better perspective was to be on the mountaintop, having the ability to look at the vastness of the horizon below me. I was of the opinion that being at the base of the mountain caused you to have obstruction from the view of the mountains. Thinking back now, I realize that neither of us were technically "correct" - we just had a difference of opinions.

Sometimes in life we aren't on the mountaintops; we are stuck in what seems like a never-ending valley, trying with all our ability and effort to climb our way to the top. We can choose to focus on the obstacles that stand in the way of the end goal of reaching the mountaintop or we can fix our eyes on the top of the mountain, admiring the view from down below. Which will you choose?

PS) I promise it's going to be worth the journey once you reach the destination. Just don't forget to ask God to help you get there along the way.

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