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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Comerford

Church Fam

Updated: Jun 27, 2022

This week has not come without some egregious struggles, but I have never felt so incredibly blessed.

Multiple people have asked how I’ve been so positive despite the difficulties I've faced as of recent. I just laugh and say, "What else can I do? Complaining isn't going to do me any good." However, I know that it’s because I am confident God will get me through it, just as he’s gotten me through every other tough situation I’ve faced. It reminds me of the song “Firm Foundation” by Maverick City Music:

“I've still got joy in chaos. I've got peace that makes no sense. So, I won't be going under. I'm not held by my own strength. 'Cause I've built my life on Jesus; He's never let me down. He's faithful in every season, So why would He fail now?”

What powerful words and such a testament to rest on during tough times! I honestly mainly attribute my strength in faith and “joy in chaos” lately, if you will, to having a tribe of true Jesus-following kingdom chasers.

I recently decided to start a women's Bible study group, focusing on the book of Haggai. What started with just three of us ended up forming into a group of ten, and this past week we had our first study meeting together. I cannot tell you the amount of encouragement, positivity, love, and life that was spoken into me during that evening gathering. The words spoken over me have allayed every ounce of turmoil and anxiety I was facing, replacing it with repose and respite. Never have I felt such an amount of true Christ-like love being poured out from a group of women before. Not only did it feel comforting, but it lit a fire inside of me like never before; it was like we could conquer the world together with the purpose of building up God's kingdom. I had to take a step back and look at just how beautiful that moment was and the verbiage being used to speak life into one another - some meeting for the very first time that night. And of all days for this to occur, it was International Women's Day.

Therefore. my brothers and sisters, all this is to say that if you have not yet found a church home, I deeply encourage you to make that change. I attribute all of my recently found joy, peace, and tranquility to the body of Christ that I have become part of. My church, Life Church (how fitting), has made an entire world of difference in my relationships among others, myself, and with Jesus - and given me LIFE. I am so grateful for likeminded people that are running this race with me, speaking blessings over me, and showing God's love through it all. I hope the same for you.

“What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.”

1 Corinthians 14:26

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