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A Little Food &
A Lotta Faith

Home: Welcome

Hey Ya'll!

For those of you who don’t know me, here’s a little tidbit about myself: I was born in metro-Atlanta and lived there until I was eight, moved to a town with less than 200 people in the middle of nowhere Minnesota where I lived for five years (still consider these some of the best years of my life), then moved to the place I typically refer to as “home” at the age of thirteen - a small town in South Georgia, right above the Florida line. Upon graduating college with a degree in Public Relations and a Certificate in Spanish, I lived abroad in Chile for a while and was a Missionary English Teacher. I furthered my education by obtaining an MBA in Marketing and have a passion for that field. Furthermore, I feel that my vocation and avocation align when I am able to experience other cultures and serve those in need, keeping my faith first and foremost. 

I’m also what one would refer to as a “foodie” and thoroughly enjoy cooking and eating (hey, I’m from Georgia after all)! If you follow any of my social media pages, you'll see that about 90% of my posts are food pics. Sorry, not sorry.

In addition, I have added some of my personal designs, so if you're interested in allowing me to create something for you (event invitations, flyers/posters, website creation, etc.), please reach out!  

With all that said, I created this site to focus on two main things: food and faith. So, I hope you can either find a recipe you enjoy whipping up yourself or allow Jesus to speak to you through a way in which he's spoken to me. 



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