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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Comerford

Flight Attendant Life

Updated: Jun 27, 2022

Since I was a kid I remember having a wanderlust spirit that was fueled by my love for other cultures and learning about people that were different than me. Years later a light bulb went off when I thought that I could actually tie in my love for travels with a career, thus giving me the desire to fly the friendly skies and get paid for it. (I actually had several people mention that they thought the perfect career for me would be to become a flight attendant!) When I decided to set out on my goals, I knew that I only wanted to work for one specific airline because of my nostalgic travel experiences as a child growing up in Atlanta and traveling often with my parents. Therefore I applied for my dream job with the company of my dreams back in 2015, after returning from ten months working abroad. Unfortunately at the time, yet fortunately looking back at it now, I was turned down for the position. Other plans had aligned for me and although I was bummed I figured there was a reason God had not fulfilled the desires of my heart at that time. Nonetheless, my longing for the career of my dreams never wavered and years later I said to myself, "You know what? Life is too short for me not to achieve the desires of my heart. So forget what anyone else thinks or says. I'm going to be selfish and follow the path of my dreams." And I did. I applied again and out of nearly 300,000 applicants I was chosen. October 22nd, 2017 was a day that changed my life forever and I will be eternally grateful for those that believed I was worthy for a shot at the career with the company I longed to be a part of.

With that said, something that has come along with this new lifestyle (and yes, I say "lifestyle" because that's just what it is - not exactly simply just a "career") and that's how so many people constantly ask me what it's like. They want to know how much I work, how my schedule pans out, if I "fly international", how people do it with kids, etc. So I wanted to give a glimpse into what I believe is the most rewarding and unbelievable career out there that I'm so lucky to be a part of. With that, I made a video clip because I couldn't possibly type out a list of answered questions without getting carpal tunnel.

Watch the video below to learn about the life of a flight attendant from my perspective! (If the link is not working, you can find the video here:

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